Affirmation: I have read and understand all criteria and requirements regarding Carl Sandburg College Foundation's Student Crisis Funds, and I certify that all information I have supplied on this application is correct. I understand that applying does not guarantee approval, and that applying does not obligate the Sandburg Foundation to award me funds. I hereby authorize the appropriate individuals to review my student records and disseminate information to the Student Crisis Fund Committee by e-mail as necessary. I understand that the information I have submitted will be handled privately and will not be shared beyond those with a distinct need to review my application. I also understand that those individuals may contact me for further information. I understand that checking this box signifies agreement with the policies outlined in this application. I also understand that, while Carl Sandburg College goes to great lengths to ensure that my information is secure, electronic submission of this information is at the sole risk of the applicant if I choose to submit electronically.